Applications for CAP funds must meet the following criteria:
- Experience in victims’ issues. The lead agency of the project should have a history of involvement with crime victims. (5 points)
- Project description. The application should describe a creative and innovative project that will have an impact on the general community at large, rather than on a narrow or select audience and that uses the media (radio, television, print, billboards, etc.) and other materials to raise general public awareness specifically about National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, victims’ rights, and local victm service programs. (30 points)
- Budget. The requested project budget should be sufficiently detailed with clearly defined costs for all activities and items to be purchased. All costs should be reasonable and directly related to project activities. See “Requirements” and “Frequently Asked Questions” for examples of allowable and unallowable costs, services and activities. (25 points)
- Use of NCVRW theme, logo and colors. Applications will be graded on the project’s use of the national theme, logo and colors of NCVRW. Selected projects will be reviewed to ensure compliance with this requirement in order to receive reimbursement. (20 points)
- Collaboration and support. The application should describe a project in which a variety of partners, such as victim service providers, public officials and local businesses, collaborate to promote victims’ rights and services for victims of all types of crimes. The application should describe the types of financial and in-kind support from participating partners for this specific project. (10 points)
- Involvement of crime victims and survivors. The project should provide meaningful opportunities for crime victims and survivors to participate in and provide guidance to the proposed project throughout its planning and implementation stages. The project should target victims of all types of crime in a community. (10 points)
Recommendations for funding will be based upon several factors in addition to the strength of the applications which will be graded as described above. These factors include:
- the goal of funding at least one project in as many states as possible;
- funding applicants (including major partners) who have not received recent NCVRW CAP funding; and
- the extent to which projects address rights and services for victims of all types of crimes.
The Office for Victims of Crime will make the final funding decisions.