Request for Session Proposals

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The VOCA Conference Planning Committee is soliciting proposals for innovative, practical, and inspiring sessions for the in-person 2024 VOCA Conference. Many of you provided input about topics you would like to see at this conference through the 2024 VOCA Conference Content Survey and other channels. Based on the suggestions you provided, we are seeking proposals in the following topics and categories that reflect the priority areas you requested (a more detailed list of Administrator session topic suggestions can be found HERE):

  • Financial & Programmatic Grant Management and Administration
  • Subrecipient Management
  • VOCA Allowable Costs and Decision-Making in Grant Fund Allocation
  • Strategic Planning and Outreach
  • Data Analysis & Data-Driven Decision-Making
  • Promising Practices to Expand Equity & Access
  • Innovative Programming & Initiatives Reaching Unique Populations

We hope you will consider submitting a proposal that addresses these administrator-identified priority areas. If you would like assistance developing a proposal, identifying presenters, technology assistance, or anything else, please contact the OVC VOCA Center at

You may submit session proposals by CLICKING HERE (You can create a profile that will allow you to save and return to edit your submission). The deadline to submit a proposal is April 15, 2024.

Presentations will be selected based on (1) the relevance of the topic and learning objectives, (2) inclusion and coordination with an administrator, and (3) the expertise and experience of the workshop presenters, among other factors. NAVAA is committed to a representative, inclusive conference. We invite you to visit the RFP link for more information on the criteria, selection, and submission process. Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, and other persons of color; persons with disabilities; and individuals from the Blind, Deaf, and Hard of Hearing community are encouraged to submit session proposals. If you require accommodations to submit your proposal, please contact

Important Dates

  • Workshop proposal submission deadline: April 15, 2024
  • Submission of speaker/presenter Information (bio/photo): April 29, 2024
  • Notification of session advancement: Mid-May, 2024
  • Notification of final session selection: Late May, 2024
  • Workshop Document Submission deadline: June 15, 2024

We look forward to receiving your submissions – and seeing you in person for the 2024 VOCA Conference!


If you have any questions, please contact
